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Natural Growth Factor Injections – Rejuvenate Your Skin & Hair Naturally

Natural Growth Factor Injections – Rejuvenate Your Skin & Hair Naturally

Boost Collagen & Restore Hair with Regenerative Injections

Anti-aging and aesthetic treatments using natural growth factors are becoming increasingly popular. By harnessing your body’s natural healing power, this non-surgical aesthetic and cosmetic procedure can address aesthetic and cosmetic issues.


Using Natural Growth Factors is 100% natural and a treatment that involves the use of your body’s own proteins, which is one of this treatment’s most unique qualities. You will have a blood draw during your treatment, just as you would at a lab. Once the blood is spun in a centrifuge, the growth factors are separated and injected back into the body. The growth factors in your body are your own anti-aging treatment that helps reverse the signs of aging. A gradual improvement will occur over the next six to eight weeks, with continuous changes for another four to six months. 

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The Benefits of Natural Growth Factors

Benefit of Dermal Fillers | Lips and Drips by Erica Marie in Philadelphia, PA

Dark circles under the eyes

Benefit of Dermal Fillers | Lips and Drips by Erica Marie in Philadelphia, PA

Fine lines & wrinkles

Benefit of Dermal Fillers | Lips and Drips by Erica Marie in Philadelphia, PA

Hair restoration

Benefit of Dermal Fillers | Lips and Drips by Erica Marie in Philadelphia, PA

Acne scars

Benefit of Dermal Fillers | Lips and Drips by Erica Marie in Philadelphia, PA

Brown & age spots

Benefit of Dermal Fillers | Lips and Drips by Erica Marie in Philadelphia, PA

Loss of facial volume, such as deep smile lines, tear troughs, and hollow temples.


How do Natural Growth Factor Injections work?

The injection of natural growth factors stimulates the production of components that improve the skin’s firmness and elasticity. Additionally, growth factors strengthen the skin barrier and rejuvenate the skin.

Are Natural Growth Factor Injections safe?

A natural growth factor injection is an all-natural process. Since the growth factors are derived from the patient’s own blood, there is no risk of rejection or reaction.

What is the purpose of using Natural Growth Factors?

The growth factors in nature facilitate the healing process. Amino acids that are naturally found in our bodies are known as growth factors and are beneficial to our health and appearance.

How can Natural Growth Factors benefit me?

Natural growth factors are the safest and most effective way to repair damaged skin cells. It is essential to replenish the skin’s growth factors to keep it healthy, vibrant, and youthful-looking.

**Results may vary. We are reputable for complete customer satisfaction for completed treatments. Before and after images reflect real results from real patients, although individual results may vary. No treatment is promised to provide permanent results. A guarantee is neither provided nor implied. Statements estimating treatment duration and the number of treatments required are based on the typical experience or our patients, however individual experiences may vary.
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